Post-Divorce Recovery



Journey through a 3-hour seminar taught by the Lotus Counseling Center's leading Industry Professionals, Alessana Fordin, M.S., LMHC and Dana Zuskin, M.S., LMHC, with over 20 years of combined professional experience. Both Alessana and Dana also have extensive up close and personal experience with divorce, as well as counseling numerous individuals and leading groups on divorce/separation.

Some topics covered in this transformative seminar include:

- How to rewrite your future after divorce with confidence & freedom

- Make better post-divorce relationship choices

- Learning to love yourself at a core level

- Things you don't know about yourself that may be keeping you stuck

- Begin to free yourself from the loss, anger and guilt of divorce


Take the next steps to find the path to happiness and wholeness after divorce

Date: TBA

Time: TBA


To register or for more information please call our offices at (305) 915-5748.

Price is $125 for the entire 3-hour seminar.

 Space is limited.



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